

2 women 1 Maverick

Patrycja and Karolina began their rally partnership in 2021, when they decided to drive first rally together.

When they went to first joint on desert marathon in a vehicle without a windscreen, they shown that they aren’t afraid of some difficulties and can doing the impossible things.

In one attempt they crossed the Sahara Desert and the SSV at the same time.

The competitors completed the entire 2022 season together, during which they covered thousands of kilometers, including the 4 rally marathons that took place in the Tunisian desert, Polish training grounds and the Romanian Carpathians.

Meet us!



Write to us

Are you a woman like us and you love motorization?

Do you dreaming of learning how to drive off-road or competing in a rally?

Maybe you always wanted to drive a rally car?

If you are a man and you answered “yes” to any of these questions – write to us too :)